Designers Choice Bouquet Large


For Local Oahu Delivery Only. $25 Delivery Fee added at checkout.

A Designer’s Choice Bouquet in a vase, featuring 25-30 stems, is a beautifully crafted, one-of-a-kind arrangement, fully designed by our florist.

The selection of blooms includes a lovely variety of roses, mums, chrysanthemums, and carnations, arranged with care to create a balanced, visually striking display. The bouquet is complemented by delicate baby’s breath, lush ruscus, and soft fern, adding texture and a touch of greenery. As the design is completely up to the florist’s creative direction, please keep in mind that the exact flower and color combination may vary based on availability and seasonal stock, ensuring a unique and fresh arrangement every time.

Set in an elegant vase, this bouquet is perfect for any space, adding a touch of natural beauty and sophistication.

Note: Special requests cannot be guaranteed. Flower colors can be requested in the notes field at checkout. We’ll do our best to accommodate each request with the inventory on hand. 

SKU: DCB-2 Category:


For Local Oahu Delivery Only. $25 Delivery Fee added at checkout.

A Designer’s Choice Bouquet in a vase, featuring 25-30 stems, is a beautifully crafted, one-of-a-kind arrangement, fully designed by our florist.

The selection of blooms includes a lovely variety of roses, mums, chrysanthemums, and carnations, arranged with care to create a balanced, visually striking display. The bouquet is complemented by delicate baby’s breath, lush ruscus, and soft fern, adding texture and a touch of greenery. As the design is completely up to the florist’s creative direction, please keep in mind that the exact flower and color combination may vary based on availability and seasonal stock, ensuring a unique and fresh arrangement every time.

Set in an elegant vase, this bouquet is perfect for any space, adding a touch of natural beauty and sophistication.

Note: Special requests cannot be guaranteed. Flower colors can be requested in the notes field at checkout. We’ll do our best to accommodate each request with the inventory on hand. 

Additional information

Bouquet Style

name, '0');">Orange, name, '0');">Orange Hawaii, name, '0');">Orange Warm, name, '0');">Pink, name, '0');">Pink Hawaii, name, '0');">Pink Purple, name, '0');">Pink Purple Hawaii, name, '0');">Pink Purple Warm, name, '0');">Pink Warm, name, '0');">Yellow, name, '0');">Yellow Hawaii, name, '0');">Yellow Orange, name, '0');">Yellow Orange Hawaii, name, '0');">Yellow Orange Warm, name, '0');">Yellow Warm


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