A memorial service or funeral is a meaningful time for the loved ones of the deceased. Friends and family members come together and show their respect and love for the person who has passed and support each other during this difficult time. In Hawaii, this time is also the time to pick out a funeral lei that will show their love and support. A funeral lei can be worn to the service, or it can be given to the family and friends of the deceased. It can also be used as a decoration at the ceremony to honor the deceased’s memory.
A funeral lei is used at many Hawaiian funerals to decorate an urn or the table of photos. Many guests who want to show their affection for the deceased also wear a funeral lei. Common funeral leis are the maile or ti leaf leis. For others, the favorite choice is a floral lei. The lei is a symbol of the spirit of aloha, and any lei that is worn or brought to a funeral is a good choice for saying goodbye and showing respect to the deceased. A beautiful funeral lei allows you to bid your condolences, show respect and to say goodbye to the person who has departed.
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